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Page History: Customising screen layout

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Page Revision: Wednesday, 07 December 2011 10:58

Each window within the PhoneBOX client screen can be ‘detached’ from it’s current position and moved elsewhere. In order to do this to a particular window click on the pin icon in the top right hand corner of any window.

It is also possible to drag and drop windows around either once they are detached or straight from their tabs in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. This means that you can put any of the windows anywhere you like, you can even get rid of windows that you don’t need.


You can commpletely close panes by clicking the Close button on the top right of each one.

If you want to bring back any windows that you have closed, click on the tools button along the top control bar, go to Windows and click to put a tick next to any window that you have closed, in the example below, the Lines window is currently closed so clicking on that will return all the lines to their original location.

Remember that layouts can also be saced and reloaded via the Tools menu, which is ideal if you want to try different layouts or have a specific layout that this PhoneBOX client should use during normal operations. Note: There is no longer a ‘presenter view’ in PhoneBOX. Instead, a client can be laid out in the best setup for a presenter and then you can save the layout by using the Tools menu.

Resizing Devices

This is something that is set in the server configuration and is done on a ‘per device layout’ basis. The standard size for a device is 490 x 60 in pixels. The smaller you make a device, the less detail it will be able to contain - make them too small and they could become difficult for the users to work with.

Resizing Lines

Lines within PhoneBOX can also be resized, this is done by having strips of lines in the line layouts for your PhoneBOX clients. Each strip of lines (which can include all or part of a whole phone in group) can be set to a different size. You can have more info on lines that are expanded to make use of all the space or you can make lines smaller so you can fit more onto one screen.

Note: These configuration options need to be carried out in the configuration section of PhoneBOX web manager.